Educação e Religião numa Cultura Organizacional Education and Religion in an Organizational Culture
Sandro Serpa
- Faculty of Social and Human Sciences University of the Azores, Portugal
- Keywords:
- Interrelationship, Infancia Desvalida, Religious Congregation, Disadvantaged Children
- Abstract:
- The relationship in organizations between education and religion can be highly interwoven. This book highlights the interrelationship between the educational and shelter organization for disadvantaged female children and youth, Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta [Asylum of the Disadvantaged Children of Horta], Faial, the Azores, Portugal, and the entrance of the Religious Sisters of Congregação das Irmãs Franciscanas Hospitaleiras da Imaculada Conceição [Congregation of the Hospitaller Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception]. The book concludes with the presentation, in digital facsimile, of the 1933 Statutes and the Contract between the Asylum Board of Directors and the Religious Congregation established in 1932, which shaped a profound change in the organizational culture of the Asylum.
- Copy of the Contract between Confraria de Santo António de Pádua e Asilo de Infancia Desvalida “D. LUIZ” da Horta and the Reverend Mother Superior of Associação Portuguesa de Irmãs Enfermeiras; transcribed and approved in the Minutes of the Regular Session of April 4, 1932 (September 26, 1946).
- Statutes of Confraria de Santo António de Pádua e Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta, of 1933.
- Fernandes, A. A. S. (2003). Uma obra ímpar abençoada por Santo António [A unique work blessed by Santo António]. Lisboa: Editorial Minerva.
- Fernandes, A. A. S. (2004). Uma obra ímpar abençoada por Santo António. Casa de Infância de Santo António – Horta [A unique work blessed by Santo António. Casa de Infância de Santo António – Horta]. Lisboa: Edição de autor.
- Lemos, R. R. G. de (1958). Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta. 1858-1958. Trabalho manuscrito de comemoração de um século de existência [Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta. 1858-1958. Hanwritten work cellebrating a century
- of existence].
- Lobão, C. M. G. (1998). Casa de Infância de Santo António – Subsídios para a sua história [Casa de Infância de Santo António – Subsidies for its history]. Horta: Casa de Infância de Santo António.
- O Telegrafo, year 43, December 28, 1935, no. 10937, p. 1.
- O Telegrafo, year 54, December 30, 1946, no. 14148, pp. 1 and 2.
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- April 23, 2021
- Copyright (c) 2021 Sandro Serpa
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.