Computer Science

Computer science is the study of computation, automation, and information. Computer science spans theoretical disciplines (such as algorithms, theory of computation, and information theory) to practical disciplines (including the design and implementation of hardware and software). Computer science is generally considered an area of academic research and distinct from computer programming

Portfolio of scientific articles from 2010 to 2020

Portfolio of scientific articles from 2010 to 2020

This work aims to study the influence of the socio-educational environment on student performance. It seeks to identify the scope of the relationship between variables or dimensions of school climate and academic performance. From 227 students and 36 public and private high school educators and colleges from the city of Agboville, we assessed their perception with the multidimensional assessment scale of student well-being in schools by Guimard et al., (2014). Multivariate regression analysis and cross-tabulations of variables have elucidated the interactions between a person’s behaviors, individual characteristics, and the environment in which they evolve. The data collected showed that school performance depends on the feeling of security, the learning conditions, the state of the teacher- student relationship, the overall satisfaction of students and their well-being in the school environment. This study proves that the best academic results of learners are intimately linked to the establishment of a quality socio- educational environment.

Higher Education in Times of Change

Higher Education in Times of Change

The overall common thread of this e-Book is education in general and higher education in particular. At a time of profound changes in the educational arena and across society at large, thinking higher education and its dynamics is paramount. This e-Book gathers five selected articles published by the authors between 2018 and 2020 that tackle, analyse and discuss some very current topics, such as the transversal competences higher education institutions need to provide their students with, considering their relevance to preparing the future professionals; the importance of Sociology of Education in promoting sustainability literacy in higher education; the COVID-19 pandemic and how it is reshaping the educational arena and the learning and teaching process; and the funding of the scientific publication in Open Access, an increasingly central outlet for the dissemination of the scientific production. The authors hope to offer the educational field some insights, hindrances but also possibilities that lie ahead of the higher education dynamics, actors, policies and forces.

Teaching Radiantly

Teaching Radiantly

Methodology of the Case Study begins on Week 2 of English 102, an online course in Literature and Composition at the University of Maryland Global Campus. During the Fall Semester 2020, I perform case study research on a single subject to prove the hypothesis that I create a model which helps me to present metacognitive training to maximize retention for all the students who participate in the class weekly, who post discussions, and who are writing papers. Do video lectures enhance learning and maximize retention in online classes? What are the effects on my teaching and my performance as a Professor when I create a model? How do video lectures help me to present metacognitive training to maximize retention for all the students who participate in the class weekly, who post discussions, and who are writing papers. During the Fall Semester 2020, I perform case study research on a single subject to prove the hypothesis that I create a model which helps me to present metacognitive training to maximize retention for all the students who participate in the class weekly, who post discussions, and who are writing papers. I participate seven days during every study week of the eight-week online class. I showed enthusiasm for teaching, since I extended the weekly content by using my own videos based on my own writing to frame a storyline that offered planning and outline, writing developmental paragraphs, writing a literary critique, and comparing two short stories.

Undergraduate Seminar: Study Guide

Undergraduate Seminar: Study Guide

This study guide tackles about what is in the undergraduate seminar course in which students are expected to present a seminar paper as the ultimate course outcome. Moreover, it presents what’s in the bigger picture, and that is, presenting the student’s research study in academic conferences and getting their research work published. When we talk about academic conferences and meetings, we don’t mean that students are to present their full-blown research study or their complete research outline. In this course (Undergraduate Seminar), the students are to present only their thesis outline. However, students are given salient points to look forward once they have completed their research study. Nowadays, knowing some terms and phrases are just one click away with the internet and Google, and signal, of course. Nevertheless, we will “spell out” some of the terms and phrases related to our subject (Undergraduate Seminar) in this study guide for fluidity sake.

Alice and Bob in Quantumland

Alice and Bob in Quantumland

All the best stories begin with once upon a time. In science however, since time has a habit of speeding up, slowing down or even maybe going backwards locally, depending on how fast you are travelling, how much stuff surrounds you or your temperature; we will start at the beginning – wherever that is. Some time, long ago, Alice and Bob, two post-doc students, persuaded their friends Chloe and David to go for a ride in their black ford Anglia to nowhere in particular as long as it was a sunny day and they ended up on an enchanted island. All four were multi-disciplinary scientists in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Cosmology, Geology, Material Science and heaven knows what other branches besides including neuroscience and psychology. “To begin with,” began Alice “the first thing to remember is that atoms and molecules – all the stuff we’re made of – and all the matter we know about like the Earth, planets,stars and galaxies are far more intelligent than human beings. They’ve been around so much longer than we have and they’ve learned so much more during that time.” “That’s why” said Bob agreeing with her “we as scientists need models of scientific theory to explain how things work and make predictions which can then be tested. This is where theories have to be modified, falsified or verified otherwise you end up saying something is just because it is and having arguments.” “Let’s have a look in more detail then about those atoms and the description of their structure” interjected Chloe warming to the conversation. David on the other hand remained silent. This was boring basic science and he dozed off though earwigging at the same time.

Language and Science: Study Guide

Language and Science: Study Guide

Language and Science must come to terms. Yes, it is in no way we could study and learn science more in the higher level without minding its “language”. It is a “given” that words have multiple meanings by denotation and connotation, and that context serves as the base. This Language and Science Study Guide will give a clear view on how to understand better the lessons in pure, applied, and life sciences with regard to the nature, composition, and projection of living and non-living things in their specific environment and outside of their typical biome.

Purposive Communication: Study Guide

Purposive Communication: Study Guide

A written text can communicate across time and space while speech is usually used for immediate intersections. • Written language tends to be more complex and intricate than speech with longer sentences and many subordinate clauses. The punctuation and layout of written texts also have no written equivalent. However, some forms of written language, such as instant messages and emails, are closer to spoken language. Spoken language tends to be full of repetitions, incomplete sentences, corrections, and interruptions, with the exception of formal speeches and other scripted forms of speech, such as news reports and scripts for plays and films. • Writers receive no immediate feedback from their readers, except in computer-based communication. Therefore, they cannot rely on context to clarify things. Speech is usually a dynamic interaction between two or more people. Context and shared knowledge play a major role. • Writers can make use of punctuation, headings, layout, colors, and other graphical effects in their written texts. Such things are not available in speech.. Speech can use timing, tone, volume, and timbre to address emotional context. • Written material can be read repeatedly and closely analyzed, and notes can be made on the writing surface. Only recorded speech can be used in this way. • Some grammatical constructions are only used in writing, as are some kinds of vocabulary, such as some complex chemical and legal terms. Some types of vocabulary are used only or mainly in speech. These include slang expressions, and tags like y’know, like, etc.

Dizertačná práca: Technologický vývoj v sektore informačných a komunikačných technológií a z toho plynúce zmeny v správaní ich používateľov

Dizertačná práca: Technologický vývoj v sektore informačných a komunikačných technológií a z toho plynúce zmeny v správaní ich používateľov

Východiskovú situáciu možno zhrnúť takto: celá oblasť informačných a komunikačných technológií (IKT) tvorí v druhom desaťročí 21. storočia významnú súčasť bežného kancelárskeho prostredia vo vyspelých krajinách i v rýchlo sa rozvíjajúcich ekonomikách. Aj rýchlo napredujúca globalizácia sa v zásadnej miere opiera o dynamicky sa šíriaci a funkčný sektor informačných a komunikačných technológií. Cieľom tejto práce je zistiť, aké dôsledky so sebou prináša používanie informačných a komunikačných technológií, a to tak hardvéru, ako aj softvéru, či je ich používateľom známe, aký so sebou prinášajú efektívny prospech, aké dôsledky by malo ich prípadné nepoužívanie, a či sú si používatelia naozaj vedomí rôznych priamych a nepriamych dopadov týchto technológií. Pritom sa uplatní postup, v ktorom sa tieto dopady rozpracujú teoreticky na základe rešerše literatúry k téme. Takto získané poznatky tvoria základ vykonaného empirického skúmania. Získané výsledky tejto práce sú tak jednoznačné, ako aj v jednotlivých aspektoch veľmi pozoruhodné. Tak zodpovední riadiaci pracovníci, ako aj používatelia celkovo potvrdili, že sa na úrovni riadenia neskúmajú priame a nepriame dôsledky používania informačných a komunikačných technológií. Vo vykonanom skúmaní sa jednoznačne doložilo, že s tým súvisiace dopady, ako významné ochorenia zamestnancov, vznikajúce náklady pre zamestnávateľov a všeobecná záťaž dotknutých osôb nezohrávali v úvahách osôb vykonávajúcich príslušné rozhodnutia prakticky žiadnu úlohu. Výsledky tejto práce tak umožňujú revidovať a presmerovať postoje zamestnávateľov vo vzťahu k dnešným spôsobom používania informačných a komunikačných technológií ich zamestnancami a k ich rôznym dôsledkom.