Reclaiming Oromo Indigenous Organizational Structures and Fostering Supportive Environments for Health


  • BEGNA DUGASSA Toronto Public Health



The health of the Oromo people is determined by complex and intertwined social and natural environments. Modifying or entirely changing these environments necessitates developing effective organizations and leadership. Colonial socio-cultural-structural impositions conditioned the Oromo people to adopt the Euro-centric discourses and its top-down organizational structure.  The top-down organizational structure is incompatible with the Oromo episteme; it is inaccessible, inequitable and unsustainable. Such a structure does not foster full participation of community members and promote healthy social conditions.  This paper provokes a discussion as to whether or not the Oromo people and other indigenous people need to adopt the Euro-centric organizational structure or maintain their indigenous structures to transform their society and promote health.  The Oromo indigenous organizational structures are framed in an Oromo paradigm of thinking and they are in a better position to understand the social problems of the Oromo people.  In addition, they foster the participation of people, create a stable, transparent and dynamic society and help to continuously improve the social environments in which the Oromo people work and live. This can prevent illness and injuries in the first place and helps implement the principles of health promotion strategies and creates supportive environments i.e. nagaa (peace), haaqa (social justice) and tasgaabi (social order).

Keywords: Ormo People, Ormo Indigenous Organizational Structure, Healthcare


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How to Cite

DUGASSA, B. (2014). Reclaiming Oromo Indigenous Organizational Structures and Fostering Supportive Environments for Health. Archives of Business Research, 2(1), 23–45.