Current Issue

Discoveries in Agriculture and Food Sciences
Discoveries in Agriculture and Food Sciences
Vol. 13 No. 2 (2025)
Aims and Scope
The journal will publish high quality original research papers and critical reviews on emerging fields and concepts for providing future directions related to the research and development in agricultural & food technology. The publications will include both applied and basic research covering the following disciplines of agriculture and food sciences. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The aim is to publish research on the science and technology of crop and animal production, biosecurity, and postharvest handling of produce, agricultural technology, management of the natural resource base for agricultural production (land, soil and water), rural management and agricultural development, and agriculture in changing environments.
It also features the original research in all branches of food and other cognate branches of sufficient relevance. It includes research on enhancing shelf life, food deterioration, food engineering, food handling, food processing and similar.
Accordingly, the scope of the journal for the consideration of submissions is set out in more detail below, not limited to the following fields:
- Agronomy
- Agricultural meteorology
- Forestry and agro forestry
- Soils and soil management
- Agricultural engineering and technology
- Agricultural policy and Water management
- Impact of climate change and the emerging technologies
- Agricultural economics and agricultural statistics
- Role of agricultural research and innovation for development.
- Human Nutrition, Balanced Eating and dangers of poor nutrition
- Diet Therapy and disease management
- Food safety, Hygiene and Packaging
- Food microbiology, preservation and engineering
- Food chemistry and toxicology
- Food laws and regulations
- Food economics and marketing
- Nutraceuticals and functional food
- Food physics, Food technology and Meat Science
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). and abides by its Code of Conduct and aims to adhere to its Best Practice Guidelines.