All My Yesterdays A Professional Life In English Language Education
Roger Barnard
- University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
- Keywords:
- Language Education, Applied Linguistics, Language Institutes
- Abstract:
- Roger Barnard was born in Brighton, and decided as a boy that he wanted to live and work abroad. Starting out as a high school teacher, he subsequently worked in English language education (ELE) and applied linguistics in Europe, the Middle East, New Zealand and Asia. Over a career spanning 50 years, he has been a language teacher, director of language institutes, curriculum adviser to ministries of education, prolific contributor to, and editor of, journals and books, and a professor of applied linguistics. This book is his personal history and the story he tells is intrinsically interesting, but it also constitutes a wide-ranging and critical review of the field of second language education over the past fifty years – how some aspects will continue to challenge academics and practitioners in future years. Such issues include: Communicative Language Teaching; English for young learners; the commercialisation of ELE; technological developments in ELE; the professional development of English language teachers; ‘nativespeakerism’; linguistic imperialism and language planning; and English as the medium of instruction. Many readers who are involved in language education will be able to relate these issues to their own context and career trajectories.
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- April 17, 2021
- Copyright (c) 2021 Roger Barnard
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.