BS-English FYDP Syllabus vs BA-English TYDP An Evaluation at Graduate Level
Rehana Yasmin Anjum
- Mrs. Rehana Yasmin Anjum is a PhD Scholar, from University of Management and Technology, Lahore Pakistan
- Keywords:
- Language Skills, Observation Method, Training, Linguistic
- Abstract:
- This one-year writing process and 12 CH course means serious and focused research work. Composing a research paper of about 20,000 to 25,000 words on a literary topic of choice along with writing an abstract, selected bibliographies or works cited, annotated as well as simple, citing references, and professionally dividing the whole project into chapters, headings and its parts becomes mandatory for the research candidates. These candidates, who have been exposed to literary taste and linguistic styles by writing papers for various courses for more than a year and with their BA/BS 04-year background and overall almost five years of extensive reading now, are expected to be trained into the demanded academic standards. At this final stage of their orientation to quality literature the candidates may be asked to write these research papers for further growth in their career towards publication or PhD and higher degrees of research programs. Details regarding research at MS level may be connected back to the training received by these candidates through the course offered in “Advanced Research and Bibliographic Methods” during the Semester II of MA English (Honors) in Literature.
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- May 1, 2016
- Copyright (c) 2016 Rehana Yasmin Anjum
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