Mathematical Model of Geopolitics
Konstantin Eduardovich Plokhotnikov
- Lomonosov Moscow State University, Financial University
- DOI:
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- Keywords:
- Geopolitical classification, Releif, Corelation Analysis, Non Linear Optimization, Average Annual Temprature
- Abstract:
- The mathematical model of geopolitics is a conditional name for several models, which are naturally connected and act as accompaniment to the main theme — geopolitics. All constructed work models made the transition to computing experiment, the results of which are given and discussed. The central concept of the mathematical model of geopolitics is introduced — the capacity of the habitat. Geopolitics is the climate, the relief, the logistics features of global commodity flows, the geopolitical confrontation in terms of the “sea-continent”, i.e. all that constitutes the material complex of living conditions of the inhabitants of the Earth. This complex, to a large extent, mediates the population’s behavior from the political point of view. The author does not adhere to the position of natural determinism, which acts in the form of geopolitics, but tries to delineate the scope of the manifestation of geopolitics in real politics. The monograph provides clarification and generalization of the generally accepted geopolitical classification of territories in terms of orientation and positioning either at sea or on the continent. The mathematical model of transport costs minimization for an arbitrary number of points acting in the form of logistic centers is formulated.
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- August 31, 2018
- Copyright (c) 2018 Konstantin Eduardovich Plokhotnikov
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.