Leadership in the Formation of an Organization
Sandro Serpa
- University of the Azores, Portugal
- Keywords:
- Autonomy In Leadership, Legitimacy, Humanities, Scientific Communication
- Abstract:
- The importance of leadership in the foundation and legitimization of an organization is a pressing issue in organizational studies. This book, Leadership in the formation of an organization, which focuses on an organizational case study – the formation of Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta (a foster organization for girls and young women), in the Azores, Portugal, seeks to contribute to the analysis the relative autonomy that leadership faces and which it has to deal with in the search for its legitimacy as an organization. The book concludes with the reproduction of a booklet, dated 1884, titled Memória histórica sobre o Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Cidade da Horta [Historical memory on Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Cidade da Horta], which offers relevant arguments of this study. Furthermore, in addition to the analysis put forth here, its facsimile availability in digital version is deemed pertinent.
- January 2, 2021
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- Copyright (c) 2021 Sandro Serpa
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.