Photographic Memories of Asilo De Infância Desvalida Da Horta. Portugal
Sandro Serpa
- Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, University of the Azores, Portugal
- Keywords:
- Infancia Desvalida, legitimisation, Innocent Saints Festivity
- Abstract:
- Asilo da Infância Desvalida was established on December 28, 1858 – the date of the celebration of the the Innocent Saints Festivity of the Catholic Church – and it operated with this name until 1971. Its central objective was to help the disadvantaged poverty of the female “exposed”, and its mission was to assist young girls in situations of neglect or extreme poverty. This organisation, which operated in a logic of community residence, consisted, thus, of an institution for the care of unprotected children and young girls. This book displays several photographs, which are a form of visual communication as a relevant element in the (re)construction of the memory and legitimisation of an organisation. This work always bears in mind that no photograph is neutral, that is, each photographic record presented is always a representation of reality.
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- Arquivo da Casa de Infância de Santo António [Archive of Casa de Infância de Santo António].
- Lemos, R. R. G. (1958). Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta. 1858-1958. Trabalho manuscrito de comemoração de um século de existência [Manuscript work in cellebration of a century of existence].
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- October 1, 2020
- Copyright (c) 2020 Sandro Serpa
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.