Business & Management

Business & Management is one of the most popular fields of study, teaching you everything there is to know about running a successful business. Business & Management includes subdisciplines like Project Management, Business Administration, Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management, and others.

Women Attaining Senior Executive Positions In The Jamaican Banking Industry: A Qualitative Exploratory Case Study

Women Attaining Senior Executive Positions In The Jamaican Banking Industry: A Qualitative Exploratory Case Study

The purpose of this qualitative exploratory case study was to explore the success strategies of women who have attained senior executive positions in the Jamaican banking industry. Twelve female senior executives provided data via interviews. The interviews were audio- recorded, transcribed, and analyzed. The research allowed the successful senior executives to share their strategies surrounding corporate ascension. The interviews provided guidance to women who aspired to attain senior-executive positions in the Jamaican banking industry. The information acquired shared insights with the men in the industry about female perspectives. Lastly, the research may provide essential information to the leaders in the Jamaican banking industry as to ways they can assist deserving females achieve promotion into senior executive leadership positions through corporate policy, support systems, and equitable treatment. These strategies may provide the opportunity for male banking leaders to evaluate personal biases while gleaning insights, increasing awareness, and understanding.

The Culture of Inno-preneurs Migrants VS Human Capital investment in Developed Countries


In the age of new technology and competition, individual or organizational ideas and competencies are different than which of populism, new ideas and practical models are being developed by Scientifics and practitioners’ people for socio-economic and commercial purposes. The vision of entrepreneurs is changing rapidly because the first thoughts focused on the idea of the individual entrepreneur, a person who creates a company and the circumstances in which it was located, these people become innovators; However, entrepreneurship is not just a set of behaviors that can be exposed not only by individuals, but also by large organizations that have the ability to invest, and that time; do these individuals or companies concretize innovation?
New ideas are launched, and we can see how this has an impact on broader economic and social vitality. Currently, when the innovator falls to solve problems of the economy and society, culture and even business, also to explore, he organizes people and act often without total authority.
The distinction between entrepreneurship and innovation is slightly different in today’s world, because a key entrepreneurial activity is innovation; and not easily separate the two as separate entities. The two components are dependent on each other while entrepreneurs make innovation, but the question that this pose is that entrepreneurs are innovators in terms of behavior? Organizations tend to place innovative companies such as start-ups out of the innovation process, without ever really mentioning where business behaviors and organizations mix.
The term entrepreneurship has become a little old-fashioned, it can now be seen as many things; it may even be useful to distinguish between entrepreneurs as individuals and new entrepreneurial style activities that are more engaged in business. it seems to cover a wide range of activities, and a wide range of people and organizations, this new style can be called: Innopreneur, HRpreneur, Financepreneur, Migrantpreneur, Refugeepreneur, Futurepreneur, etc …
This book will address the topic of migrant Innovpreneurs in the hospitable countries, and their contributions to the development fields of these countries far from fictitious propaganda of populism propagated by leaders such as; Trump of America, Putin of Russia, Jair Bolsonaro of Brasil, Le Pen of France ,(Ukip)of UK,Geert Wilders of Nethrlands, Viktor Orban of Hongry, ( FPÖ) of Austria, (AfD)party of Germany, Northern League of Italy, (AD) in Greece, ,and the like.