Education of Youth in Sub-Saharan Nations Challenges and Opportunities
Ilan Bijaoui
- Bar Ilan University, Israel International Business and Innovation Institute, Israel
- Keywords:
- Colonial Education, Children Illnesses, Forced Labor, Children's Malnutrition
- Abstract:
- Education not rooted on disparity in culture and languages could leave outside the educational process a large part of the population. A minority is able to get education in a foreign language English, French or Portuguese not related to the local culture and environment. In 2020, 63.5 percent of children in Sub Saharan Africa are multi-dimensionally poor. Children's malnutrition, child labor, children poverty, children's brutality, and children's illnesses forestall them to realize their maximum potential. Economic development relies upon the potential of youths. Poverty, malnutrition, forced labor, illnesses and physical as well as emotional abuse are obstacles to children education and economic development. We analyze in this book the conditions preventing from children in SSA to get education and propose a policy improve their chances to live their child and adolescent life in good conditions.
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- Copyright (c) 2021 Ilan Bijaoui
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.