Teaching Speech Communication - Study Guide

Annie A. Parmis
  1. Abdikarimova, M., Tashbolot,kyzy, A., and Abdullaeva, Z. (2021). Developing Students Verbal Communication Skills in Speech and Etiqquette in English Language Teaching. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 11, 83-89. Doi: 10. 436/ojml.2021.111007.
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  16. Capela, J.N., (1985). Controlling the floor in conversation. In A. Siegman and S. Feldstein (Eds.) Multichannel integrations of nonverbal behaviour. (pp. 69-103). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum
  17. Concepcion, P.G., E.M., dela Cruz & L.P. Enriquez (1984). Speech communication for Filipinos. Manila: Rex Store (Copies available at the library).
  18. Cohen, R. (2004). Negotiating across cultures: International communication in an interdependent word (rev. ed.). Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace
  19. Dale, G. Leathers, Michael Eves. Successful Nonverbal Communication: Principles and Applications
  20. Diaz, R. H. (2005). Speech and Oral Communication for College students. Mandaluyong: National Bookstore. (Course textbook).
  21. Eddelman, R.J., and Iwawaki, S. (1987). Self-reported expression and the consequences of embarrassment in the United Kingdom and Japan, Psychologia, 30,205-216.
  22. Egipto, J.J. L., (2000). English sounds in focus. Quezon City: Katha Publishing.
  23. Fulmer, Ashley, C., Crosby, Brandon (2014). Time and Work, Volume 2. Routledge. pp. 63-85.
  24. German, K., B.E., Gromdeck, D. Ehninger, A.H., Monroe (2001). Principles of public Speaking. Singapore: Pearson Education Southeast Asia Pte Ltd. (A book of public speaking for various occasions: Copies of various editions are available at the library.
  25. Griffin, C. Invitation to Public Speaking
  26. Guerrero, L. K., Devito, J.A., Hecht, M.L. (1999). The Nonverbal Communication Reader: Classic and contemporary readings (2 ed.). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. ISBN 9781577660408.
  27. Hall, E.T. (1966). The Hidden Dimension. New York: Doubleday.
  28. Hall, Edward . (2000). Intercultural Communication: A reader pp. 280-286. ISBN 0495898317.
  29. Hans, A., & Hans, E. (2015). Kinesics, haptics, and proxemics: Aspects of non-verbal communication. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 20(2), 47-.52.
  30. H. Giles, & W.P. Robinson (Eds), Handbook of Language an Social Psychologyh, Chichester, G.B: Wiley
  31. Ivers, J. J., (2017). For Deep Thinkers Only.
  32. Jang, Jichul: George, Thomas (2012). Understanding the Influence of polychronicity on job satisfaction and turnover intention: A study of non-supervisory hotel employees. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 31 (2): 588-595. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2011.08.004
  33. Kaufman-Scarborough Carol (2003). The Journal of American Culture. Pp. 87-95.
  34. Knapp, M. L. & Miller, G.R. (1985). Handbook of Interpersonal Communication. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.
  35. Koester, J., & Lustig, M.W. (2003). Intercultural Competence (4th ed.). New York: Pearson Education, Inc.
  36. Lateiner, Donald (2011). The Homer Encyclopedia. Blackwell pUblishing Ltd.
  37. Lindquist, Jay D., Kaufman-Scarborough, Carol (2016). The Polychronic-Monochronic Tendency Model. Time & Society. 16 (2-3). 253-285. Doi.10.1177//096143X07080270 ISSN 0961-463X. S2CID 144070208.
  38. Mata,L. S., & Soriano, I.S., (1998). English pronunciation for the Filipino College Students (3rd ed.) Quezon City: Ken Inc.
  39. Nordquist, Richard (2021). The Art of Public Speaking. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-elocution-1690641
  40. Nor dquist, Richard. (2020). What is Nonverbal Communication? Thoughtco.com/what-is-nonverbal-comunication-1691351.
  41. Patterson, M.L. (1990). Functions of non-verbal behavior in social interaction.
  42. Patterson, M. L., & Masusov V., The SAGE Handbook of Nonverbal Communication
  43. Rahman, Md. (2010). Teaching Oran Communication Skills: A Task-based Approach. English for Spefific Purposes World. 9.
  44. Reynolds, Cecil R., Vannest, Kimberly, J., Fletcher-Janzen, Elaine (2018). Encyclopedia of Special Education, Volume 3: A Reference for the Education of Children, Adolescents, and Adults Disabilities and Other Exceptional Individual. Wiley. P. 773. ISBN 978-1-119-52002-3.
  45. West, R., & Turner, L. H. (2000). Introducing Communication theory: Analysis and application. Mountain View, CA: Mayfields.
  46. West, R., & Turner, L.H. Understanding Interpersonal Communication: Making Choices in Changing Times.
  47. Willis, J. (1996). A framework for task-based learning. London: Longman.
  48. Wood, J. T. (1997). Communication theories in action: An introduction. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  49. Wood, J. T., Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters.
  50. Samuda, V. (2000). Guiding relationships between form and meaning during task performance. The role of the teacher. In M. Bygate et al., editors.
  51. Sorokowska, A., Sorokowaki, P., Hilpert, P., Cantarero, K., Frackowiak, T., Ahmadi, K., Alghraibeh, A. M., Aryeetey, R., Bertoni, A., Bettache, K., Blumen, S., Blazejewska, M., Bortolini, T., Butovskaya, M., Castro, F. N., Cetinkaya, H., Cunha, D., David, D., David, O. A., Pierce, J.D. (2017). Preferred Interpersonal Distances: A Global Comparison. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psycholofy, 48(4)., 577-592.
  52. https://opentextbc.ca Glossary – Media Studies 101 BC Open Textbooks
  53. https://cocomunications.com PR/Marketing Glossary – Co-Communications
  54. https://www.meriam-webster.com Communication Definition & Meaning – Merriam Webster
  55. https://blogs..baruch.cuny.edu Glossary of Terms: Managerial Communication
  56. https://www.medialit.org Language of Media Literacy: A Glossary of Terms
  57. https://www.fcc.gov Glossary of Telecommunications Terms
  58. https://www.bandwidth.com Communications Glossary – Telecom & API Terminology – Bandwidth
  59. https://getuplearn.com What is Oral Communication? Definitions, Importance, Methods
  60. https://digiaide.com Oral Communication – Definition, Importance and Types
  61. https://harappa.education The Importance of Oral Communication
  62. https://medpro.com Nonverbal Communication as an Essential Element of Patient
  63. https://www.mcislanguages.com The Role of Body Language in Communication
  64. https://www.communicationmatters.org.uk Glossary – Communication Matters
  65. https://college.cengage.com Contemporary Business Communication
  66. https://non-verbal.com Glossary –Non Verbal Communication
  67. https://www.languagehumanities.org What is Elocution? Language Humanities
  68. https://www.englishspeecheschannel.com English Speeches: The Best Speeches with English Subtitles
  69. https://www.edudwar.com English Speech Topics: Know 200+ Topics for Speech
  70. https://www.verywellmind.com Types of Nonverbal Communication
  71. https://www.goodtherapy.org Nonverbal Communication – Good Therapy
  72. https://www.helpguide.org Nonverbal Communication and Body Language
  73. https://www.helpguide.org Communication Home Page
  74. https://www.pinterest.com Nonverbal Communication and Body Language
  75. https://tactustherapy.com Glossary: Speech Therapy Terms Defined & Explained
  76. https://speakupcallin.pressbooks.com Glossary – Speak Out, Call In: Public Speaking as Advocacy
  77. https://www.intechopen.com Oral Communication Skills and Pedagogy
  78. https://www.hmhco.com Teaching Oral Communication Skills: What Student Voice Really Means
  79. https://www.theguardian.com Are you fluent in body language?
  80. http://www.nonverbalscience.com Body Language Quiz – Nonverbal Science
  81. https://ifioque.com Chronemics: Perception of Time in Nonverbal Communication/Ifioque
  82. https://en.m.wikipedia.org Chronemics – Wikipedia
  83. http://pirate.shu.edu Oral Com basic terminology
  84. https://www.englishlessonclass.com Paralanguage/paralinguistic features – English lessons class
  85. https://central.bac-lac.gc.ca Paralinguistic and Nonverbal Behaviour in Social Interactions
  86. https://www.freethesaurus.com Oral Communication – Free Thesaurus
  87. https://speech-language-communication.com Glossary –SLCo
  88. https://en.m.wikipedia.org Drama – Wikipedia
  89. https://www.crownhills.com Drama Vocabulary List A Accent Way of speaking used local area or country
  90. https://files.eric.ed.gov Theatre/Drama and Speech Index, Volume 1, Number
  91. https://www.iowawatch.org Sexual identity: Glossary of terms – Iowa Watch
  92. https://www.sciencedirect.com Romantic Relationship – an overview
  93. https://www.paulekman.com Nonverbal Communication Quiz/Emotions, Expressions & Gestures
  94. https://www.proprofs.com Verbal and Non Verbal Communication In Groups
  95. https://www.toastmasters.org 90 Tips From Toastmasters
  96. https://www.toastmasters.org Scared of Public Speaking? Toastmasters International
  97. https://businessjargons.com What is Verbal Communication? Definition and meaning
  98. https://harappa.education Types, Meaning and Definition of Verbal Communication
  99. https://milnepublishing.geneseo.edu Glossary – Interpersonal Communication Milne Publishing
  100. https://www.pr.co 100 Terms every PR pro should know
  101. https://www.bridging-the-gap.com The Glossary: A Gateway to Clear Requirements and Communication
  102. https://www.vocabulary.com Elocution – Definition, Meaning & Synonyms
  103. https://courses lumenlearning.com Glossary and References / Principles of Public Speaking
  104. https://www.healthline.com 35 Terms That Describe Intimate Relationship Types and Dynamics
  105. https://timesofindia.com The Modern Love Glossary: AZ of new-age relationships
  106. https://www.karaoke-lyrics.net When You Say Nothing At All Ronan Keating
  107. https://pirate.shu.edu Oral Comm basic terminology
  108. https://www.dicationary.com Nonverbal communication Definition & Meaning
  109. https://www.alleydog.com Nonverbal Communication definition
  110. https://examples.yourdictionary.com Examples of Nonverbal Communication
  111. https://business.tutsplus.com 20+ Effective Public Speaking Skills & Techniques to Master-Business
  112. https://socialsci.libretexts..org Romantic Relationships
  113. https://www.collinsdictionary.com Romantic relationship definition and meaning
  114. https://www.dictionary.com 10 New Dating Slang Words to Know in 2022
  115. https://study.com Oral Communication: Definition, Types & Advantages
  116. https://medlineplus.gov Guide to Good Posture
  117. https://www.webmd.com Good Posture: 9 Tips to Straighten Up
  118. https://www.azlyrics.com Katy Perry – Roar Lyrics
  119. https://www.azlyrics.com Extreme – More Than Words Lyrics
  120. https://www.skillsportal.co.za Learning styles, communication styles and relationships
  121. https://www.oxfordreference.com Oral Communication
  122. https://www.lawinsider.com Oral Communication Definition
  123. https://papers.ssrn.com Discussion as a Way of Teaching the Culture of Speech
  124. https://www.arcjournals.org Teaching Speaking Skills in Communication Classroom
  125. https://www.frontiersin.org Frontiers/The Role of Gesture in Communication and Cognition
  126. https://www.betterhelp.com 22 Body Language Communication
  127. http://kell.indstate.edu Defining Verbal Communication
  128. http://www.alernatives4children.org Glossary of commonly used Speech Therapy/Language terms
  129. https://thebusinesscommunication.com What is Oral communication?
  130. https://www.linkedin.com Workplace Communication: Our Different Learning Styles
  131. https://www.daytranslations.com Understanding Different Learning Styles
  132. https://w.ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov Relationship between learning styles and interpersonal
  133. https://pediaa.com Difference Between Elocution and Speech
  134. https://www.responsiveclassroom.org Strengthening Students’ Speaking and Listening Skills
  135. https://www.thebraintumourcharity.org Helping someone with speech an communication difficulties
  136. https://www.hamilton.edu The Speech Communication Teacher
  137. https://w.ww.erasmustrainingcourses.com Effective Communication skills and public speaking for Teachers
  138. https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu Learning Styles and Technical Communication
  139. https://radiantadvisors.com Personality, Communication and Learning Styles
  140. https://www.meriam-webster.com Haptics Definition & Meaning
  141. https://ifiouque.com Haptics: Communicative Meanings of Touch
  142. http://changingminds.org Gesture Types
  143. https://ejournals.ph Learning Styles and Basic Communication Skills
  144. https://www.valamis.com 5 Types of Communication Styles
  145. https://iopscience.iop.org Creative thinking ability based on learning styles reviewed
  146. https://www.toppr.com Basic Terminology Used in Communication System
  147. https://www.prsa.org Glossary of Terms PRSA
  148. https://www.psycholoytoday.com Proxemics: How Interpersonal Distance Communicates Intimacy
  149. https://ifoque.com Proxemics/ Overview of Proxemics & Examples
  150. https://www.toastmasters.org Public Speaking Tips
  151. https://www.toastmasters.org Master of Public Speaking
  152. www.allthings.com International Communication Glossary
  153. https://study.com Nonverbal Communication: Terms & Uses Video & Lesson Transcript
  154. https://www.andrews.edu Nonverbal Communication
  155. https://www.dictionary.com Nonverbal communication Definition & Meaning
  156. https://www.cenpeg.org Corruptionary
  157. https://www.themanual.com Modern Relationship Terms Explained: Ghosting, Orbiting
  158. https://www.webmd.com Modern Love Glossary
  159. https://www.erasmustrainingcourses.com Effective Communication skills and Public Speaking for Teachers
  160. https://businessterms.org Verbal Communication – Definition, Development Types
  161. https://www.sagepub.com Verbal Communication
  162. https://vels.education.vermont.gov Communication and Expression – Early Learning Standards
  163. https://www.utu.fi Speech Communication in Finnish at the Centre for Language
  164. https://www.paulekman.com Types of Gestures – Paul Ekman Group
  165. https://courses.lumenlearning.com Glossary and References /Principles of Public Speaking
  166. https://2012books.lardbucet.org Verbal Communicationwww.mwiah.com Understanding Clients’ Learning and Communication Styles
  167. https://www.mindtools.com Learning Styles
  168. https://en.m.wikipedia.org Gesture
  169. https://www.speechanddebate.org Teaching Public Speaking
  170. https://www.teachstarter.com 13 Speaking and Listening Activities to Boost Your Students’ Skills
  171. https://ejournals.ph Learning Styles and Basic Communication Sills
  172. https://www.valamis.com 5 Type of Communication Styles – How to Improve Yours
  173. https://en.m.wikipedia.or Glossary of language education terms
  174. https://www.businessballs.com Body Language Quiz
  175. https://www.proprofs.com Body language Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers
  176. https://www.mcislanguages.com The Role of Body Language in Communication
  177. https://people howstuffworks.com
  178. https://www.silverInings.com Nonverbal Communication: Silver Innings
  179. https://www.teachthought.com Teaching Oral Communication Skills
  180. https://www.hmhco.com Importance of Public Speaking: Oral Communication for Students
  181. https://www.scribd.com Glossary (Communication Skills Terms)
  182. https://www.skillsyouneed.com What is Communication? Skills You Need
  183. https://bizcommunicationcoach.com What is Oral Communication in Business? Definition, Meaning
  184. https://virtualspeech.com How to develop effective verbal Communication Skills
  185. https://boee.iowa.gov 5-12 Speech Communications/Theatre
  186. https://www.nowtolove.com.au Dating Terminology explained: The most common terms translated
  187. http://www.loveeducation.101.com Love Education/Relationship Training
  188. https://onlinepublichealth.gwu.edu 15 Terms to Know in Health Communication
  189. http://w.sunnybroome.edu Computer Communication Terminology
  190. https://www.communicationmatters.org.uk Glossary – Communication Matters
  191. https://www.aromanticism.org All Aromantic Terms – AUREA
  192. https://www.datingsitesreviews.com Glossary of Dating Terms – Dating Site Reviews
  193. https://www.lawinsider.com Verbal Communication Definition – Law Insider
  194. https://www.marketing91.com Oral Communication: Definition, Importance and Examples
  195. https://frdat.niagara.edu Glossary of Communication Terms 23
  196. https://www.thefreedictionary.com Oral Communication – The Free Dictionary
  197. https://artsonlike.tki.org.nz Glossary/Drama/Pedagogy/Teaching and Learning Home
  198. Https://www.mindtools.com The Importance of Body Language Analysis
  199. https://www.researchgate.net Teaching Oral Communication skills: A Task-based Approach
  200. https://www.teachthoughht.com Teaching Oral Communication Skills
  201. https://www.slideshare.net Five elements in public speaking
  202. https://www.acethepresentation.com 7 Elements of Speech Communication and Delivery
  203. li> https://open.library.okstate.edu Glossary – Introduction to Speech Communication https://relatedwords.org ‘Oral Communication’ related words: language
  204. https://reversedictionary.org 100+ word for ‘oral communication’
  205. https://quizlet.com Oral Communication Terms Flashcards
  206. https://quizzlet.com Oral Communication Glossary Flashcards
  207. https://www.seeandlearn.org Language and reading development for children with Down Syndrome
  208. https://cstacademy.com Why is Turn-taking Important in speech and language
  209. https://commcoursees.com Advanced Speech Communication
  210. https://resource.download.wjec.co.uk.s3.ama Speech, language, and communication development
  211. https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov Competencies for Secondary Teachers: Speech, Grade 7-12
  212. https://bookrevise.com What is Artifacts in communication?
  213. https://en.m.wiipedia.org Nonverbal Communication
  214. https://reversedictionary.org 100+ words for ‘communication’ –reverse Dictionary
  215. https://press.rebus.community Glossary – Media, Society, Culture and You
  216. https://www.rachelpreecevoicecoach.com English Elocution & Public Speaking
  217. https://blog.londonspeechworkshop.com What is Elocution? Communication & Accent Reduction
  218. https://www.proprofs.com Speech Test Quiz Questions! Trivia
  219. https://www.funtrivia.com Linguistics Trivia Quizzes/Humanities
  220. https://www.makingbusinessmaters.co.uk Communication Skills Definition: Glossary of Terms
  221. https://www.justice.gov 1044 Definitions – Oral Communication
  222. https://www.wix.com What is Oral Communication? Oral Communication Definition
  223. https://www.headheldhigh.co.nz What’s the difference between Speech & Drama lesson
  224. https://www.trinitycollege.com Speech and Drama
  225. https://www.inc.com How to Spot Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic – Learning Executives
  226. https://www.verywellfamily.com Characteristics of the Interpersonal Learning Style
  227. www.highspeedtraining.co.uk Communication in the classroom
  228. https://oureverydaylife.com The 5 Types of Gestures – Our Everyday Life
  229. https://psychology.fandom.com Types of gestures
  230. https://virtualspeech.com How to Develop Effective Verbal Communication skills
  231. https://boee.iowa.gov 5-12 Speech Communications
  232. https://kell.indstate.edu Defining Verbal Communication
  233. https://speechdramadublin.com Elocution – Dublin School of Drama and Communication
  234. https://www.allforkids.info Best Classes in Elocution Speech Drama
  235. https://www.verywellmind.com Types of Nonverbal Communication
  236. https://study.com Nonverbal Communication: Terms & Uses – Video & Lesson Transcript
  237. https://www.forbes.com 15 methods of every effective public speaker
  238. https://www.mindtools.com Better Public Speaking
  239. http://www.speaking-tips.com Public Speaking Glossary
  240. http://thoughtfullearning.com Listening and Speaking Glossary
  241. http://www.songlyrics.com The Dooleys – Body Language Lyrics
  242. https://www.classy.org Tips for Appealing to Every Type of Communicator
  243. https://www.inc.com How to Spot Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic
  244. https://www.thought.co Definition and Examples of Elocution
  245. https://www.popotiq.com 9 Different Types of Speeches (Plus Tips and Examples for Each)
  246. https://www.masterclass.com 8 Important Types of Nonverbal Communication
  247. https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub Glossary –Professional Communication
  248. https://www.medialit.org Language of Literacy: A Glossary of Terms
  249. https://www.vedantu.com Speech on Value of Time in English for Students
  250. https://www.difference.wiki Difference Between Elocution and Speech
  251. https://genius.com Leonore O’malley – First Be A Woman Lyrics
  252. https://ethos3.com Two Types of Gestures: Illustrators and Emblems
  253. https://www.scienceofpeopl.com 60 Hand Gestures You Should be Using and their Meaning
  254. https://psychology.fandom.com Types of Gestures/Psychology Wii
  255. https://examples.yourdictionary.com Examples of Nonverbal Communication: Key Types
  256. https://en.m.wikipedia.org Elocution
  257. https://www.vedantu.com My School Speech For Students in English
  258. https://www.hamilton.edu Teaching Oral Communication – Hamilton College
  259. https://www.berea.edu Oral Communication Plan – Economics & Business Department
  260. https://undergrad.stanford.edu Oral Communicating Program – Stanford Undergrad
  261. https://www.igpme.org Oral Communication
  262. https://communication.umd.edu Oral Communication Program
  263. https://pressbook-dev.oer.hawaii.edu Oral versus Written Communication
  264. https://www.slideshare.net Oral Communication
  265. https://www.slideshare.net Oral Communication
  266. https://www.callrail.com 7 Tips to Improve Verbal Communication Skills
  267. https://bizcommunicationcoach.com Guidelines for Effective Speech in Communication
  268. https://www.slideshare.net Effective speech and oral communication
  269. https://www.mindtools.com Better Public Speaking
  270. https://www.amanet.org Seven Principles of Effective Public Speaking
  271. https://professional.dce.harvard.edu 10 Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking Skills
  272. https://quizlet.com Speech Communication Terms Flashcards
  273. https://open.library.okstate.edu Glossary – Introduction to Speech Communication
  274. https://www.thebalancesmb.com Speech Skills and Speech Terminology for Speech Lessons
  275. https://linguistics.uga.edu Phonetics and Phonology
  276. https://englishfinders.com Difference Between Phonetics and Phonology
  277. https://www.slideshare.net Phonetics and Phonology
  278. https://grammar.yourdictionary.com Pronunciation vs. Enunciation: Differences Made Clear
  279. https://wwww.scienceofpeople.com Decoding Vocal – 21 Cues of Paralanguage & Prosody to Know
  280. https://en.m.wikipedia.org Paralanguage
  281. https://education.stateuniversity.com Speech and Theater Education
  282. https://www.emergingedtech.com 5 Ways to Teach Public Speaking to Kids
  283. https://www.tntech.edu Secondary Education – Speech Communication & Theatre
  284. https://www.ibiblio.org The Speech Communication Teacher
  285. https://www.erasmustrainingcourses.com Effective Communication Skills and public Speaking for Teachers
  286. https://www.teachthought.com Teaching Oral Communication Skills
  287. https://www.hmhco.com Importance of Public Speaking: Oral Communication for Students
  288. https://study.com Lesson Activities to Promote Speech Communication Skills
  289. https://poorvucenter.yale.edu Public Speaking for Teacher II: The Mechanics of Speaking
  290. https://learndigital.withgoogle.com Speaking in Public – Google Digital Garage
  291. https://www.verywellmind.com How to Improve your Speaking skills
  292. https://professionals.dce.harvard.edu 10 Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking Skills
  293. https://business.tutplus.com What is Public Speaking? Why is it Important (Definition& Tips)
  294. https://learndigital.withgoogle.com Speaking in Public – Google Digital Garage
  295. https://www.bestcolleges.com 10 Ways to Improve Your Public Speaking skills
  296. https://en.m.wikipedia.org Public Speaking
  297. https://socialsci.libretexts.org Types of Nonverbal Communication
  298. https://bookrevise.com What is Artifacts in Communication?
  299. https://www.sagepub.com Nonverbal Communication
  300. https://2012books.lardbucket.org Types of Nonverbal Communication
  301. https://www.indeed.com Nonverbal Communication: 9 Types and how to read and Use it
  302. https://en.m.wikipedia.org Nonverbal communication
  303. cognitiveresearchjournal.springero From hands to minds :Gesture to promote understanding
  304. cognitiveresearchjournal.springero.com From hands to minds: Gesture to promote understanding
  305. bizcommunicationcoach.com
Teaching Speech Communication