Scientific Research and Dissemination

Carlos Miguel Ferreira
    1. Adams, C. A. (2010). Teachers building dwelling thinking with slideware. Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 10(1), 1-12.
    2. Akbar, M. (2016). Digital technology shaping teaching practices in higher education. Frontiers in ICT, 3(1), 1-5.
    3. Alpert, F. (2016). Revitalizing the live lecture class with instructor-created videos. SAGE Open, 6(4), 1-12.
    4. Babb, K. A., & Ross, C. (2009). The timing of online lecture slide availability and its effect on attendance, participation, and exam performance. Computers & Education, 52(4), 868-881.
    5. Cadena, R. A., & Coutinho, S. G. (2017). Dez pontos sobre apresentações de slides, suas
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    7. Chou, P. N., Chang, C. C., & Lu, P. F. (2015). Prezi versus PowerPoint: The effects of varied digital presentation tools on students’ learning performance. Computers & Education, 91, 73-82.
    8. Flores-Hernández, F., & Villamar-Chulín, J. (2012). Elementos para el desarrollo de presentaciones académicas en PowerPoint. [Elements for the development of academic presentations in PowerPoint]. Investigación en Educación Médica, 1(3), 152-156.
    9. Garrett, N. (2016). How do academic disciplines use PowerPoint? Innovative Higher Education, 41(5), 365-380.
    10. Harris, D. (2011). Presentation software: Pedagogical constraints and potentials. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 10(1), 72-84.
    11. Hill, A., Arford, T., Lubitow, A., & Smollin, L. M. (2012). “I’m ambivalent about it”: The dilemmas of PowerPoint. Teaching Sociology, 40(3), 242-256.×12444071
    12. Inoue-Smith, Y. (2015). Using PowerPoint effectively for classroom based lectures. The Journal of the World Universities Forum, 8(2), 9-19.
    13. Inoue-Smith, Y. (2016). College-based case studies in using PowerPoint effectively. Cogent Education, 3(1), 1-15, 1127745.
    14. Kosslyn, S. M., Kievit, R. A., Russell, A. G., & Shephard, J. M. (2012). PowerPoint® presentation flaws and failures: a psychological analysis. Front. Psychology, 3(230), 1-22.
    15. Moulton, S. T., Türkay, S., & Kosslyn, S. M. (2017). Does a presentation’s medium affect its message? PowerPoint, Prezi, and oral presentations. PLoS ONE, 12(7), 1-39.
    16. Naik, N. (2017). Dual PowerPoint presentation approach for students with special educational needs and note-takers. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 32(1), 146-152.
    17. Pros, R. C., & Tarrida, A. C. (2017). Percepción del aprendizaje, procedimientos de evaluación y uso de la tecnologia PowerPoint en la formación universitaria de Medicina. [Perception of learning, assessment procedures and the use of PowerPoint technology in University Studies of Medicine]. Intangible Capital, 13(2), 302-318.
    18. Savoy, A., Proctor, R. W., & Salvendy, G. (2009). Information retention from PowerPoint and traditional lectures. Computers & Education, 52(4), 858-867.
    19. Schoeman, S. (2013). Presentation technology as a mediator of learners’ retention and comprehension in a History classroom. Yesterday & Today, 9, 67-90.
    20. Tejada-Llacsa, P. J., & Cahuana-Aparco, J. (2016). Uso de PowerPoint en clases: ¿es necesario estudiarlo? [Using PowerPoint in class: Is it necessary to study it?]. Rev Med Chile, 144(5), 682-683 (Cartas al Editor / Letters to the Editor).
    21. Wharton, C. Y, Goodwin, L. J., & Cameron, A. J. (2014). Living up to our students’ expectations – using student voice to influence the way academics think about their undergraduates learning and their own teaching. International Journal of Higher Education, 3(4), 72-84.
    22. Worthington, D. L., & Levasseur, D. G. (2015). To provide or not to provide course PowerPoint® slides? The impact of instructor-provided slides upon student attendance and performance. Computers & Education, 85, 14-22.
    This Book Chapter is a republication of Ferreira, C. M., Santos, A. I., & Serpa, S. (2018). Electronic slideshow presentations in the higher education teaching and learning process. Journal of Education and Training Studies. 6(2), 120-124.
Scientific Research and Dissemination