Intermolecular interactions-Oxides
Grigory Seguru
Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI), Moscow, Russia
Valery Fertikov
All-Russia Institute of Light Alloys (JSC “VILS”), Moscow, Russia
- Keywords:
- Chemistry, Intermolecular interactions, Two-component oxide systems
- Abstract:
- The book presents the results of calculations of the interaction between oxide molecules by comparing the volumes of the components before and after the interaction. The volumes of atoms and molecules are formed by electrons and are dynamic characteristics. Calculations reflect interactions in two-component oxide systems and three-component ones. The packing factor is used as an indicator of interaction. As structural characteristics of substances, it is proposed to describe the space occupied by a substance in terms of the concentration of electrons and the concentration of nucleons. The packing factor characterizes the intensity of the interaction of molecules. Comparison of the electron concentration for different substances makes it possible to predict the physical and mechanical properties of the resulting materials. The book can be considered as a reference book intended for a wide range of physicists, chemists, mineralogists and materials scientists; it can be useful for students of relevant specialties. The presentation is available for high school students.
- This book is a continuation and extension of the book "Interatomic interactions in the structures of intermetallic compounds."[1]. During chemical interactions (interatomic and intermolecular), both thermal effects and changes in the volumes of the participants in the interactions are observed. As a result of interactions, the combined volume is not equal to the sum of the volumes of the participants in the interaction.
- Interaction is a mutual action that cannot be separated from the characteristics of the objects involved in the process. Interaction is a process that is characterized by a simultaneous mutual change in the characteristics of interacting material objects. These material objects (atoms or molecules) influence each other with different intensity, obeying certain laws, and reproduce new structures with high accuracy. Chemical bonding is a consequence of both interatomic and intermolecular interactions.
- Reproductive structures indicate the presence of constitutional characteristics of interacting objects. One of these characteristics is the mass concentrated in the nucleons, and the second is the volume formed by the electron clouds around the nucleons. During chemical interactions, the mass concentrated in nucleons remains unchanged, while the resulting volume changes, decreasing or increasing. The volume of electronic clouds is a dynamic characteristic. The electron cloud changes its volume and shape depending on external influences (pressure and temperature). Such an external influence is the environment of a particular type of atoms with atoms of a different type. From the relative change in volume, as well as from thermal effects, one can judge the intensity of the interaction.
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- September 15, 2022
- Copyright (c) 2022 Grigory Seguru & Valery Fertikov
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.