Behavioral and Preventive Pediatrics
Mishal Liaqat
- Principal, Sahiwal College of Nursing, Sahiwal, Pakistan
Iram Liaqat
- Department of Zoology, Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan
Rabia Bibi
- MSN, University of Lahore
Kalsoom Bibi
- Vice Principal, New Life institute of Nursing, Multan
Drakshan Liaqat
- Govt college for women, Satellite Town, Gujranwala
- Keywords:
- Parent-child Relationship, Parenting, Psychological
- Abstract:
- Parents play a key role in a child's physical, mental, emotional, social, and psychological well-being. Parents give shape to the child's personality and it solely depends on Parenting style or the way they brought up their children. There are many different characteristics of parents that affect their parenting skills. These are parents’ age, education, experience, stress, marital relation, and support system. Somehow there are characteristics of children such as physical appearance, sex, temperament, and physical disability that could affect parents and their way of dealing with the children. Parents use different techniques and styles in rearing their children. Parenting styles are classified into four categories Authoritative parents who are responsible as well as demanding towards their children. Authoritarian parents are demanding but not responsible, on the other hand, permissive parents are responsible but not demanding. Lastly, neglectful parents who are neither demanding nor responsible. On the base of the above parenting styles, children develop four types of relationships with their parents secure, avoidant, ambivalent, and unorganized relationship depending on the child's personality and parenting style. Although parents play an important role in a child's biological, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and cognitive development, and provide protection, teaching or education, motivation, and discipline to the children. But sometimes both parents and children suffer conflicts and problems in this relationship for example lack of respect, mistrust, miscommunication that result in physical or mental abuse and codependence. But effective strategies such as giving time, expressing love, maintaining effective communication, play with children can further rebuild and strengthen the relationship between parents and children.
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- May 27, 2022
- Copyright (c) 2022 Mishal Liaqat, Iram Liaqat, Rabia Bibi, Kalsoom Bibi, Drakshan Liaqat
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.