Fault Analysis of Nigeran 330kv Power System
Ulasi, Atuchukwu John
- Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Nigeria
- Keywords:
- Generating Station, Gross Domestic Product, Power Network System, Power World Simulator
- Abstract:
- This work involved the study and simulation of various faults, (single line-to-Ground fault LG, line-to-line fault L-L, 3phase Balanced fault L-L-L, and Double line-to-Ground L-L-G) in the Nigerian 330kV power network system and the analysis of results. Data from Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), National Integrated Power Projects (NIPP), now Niger Delta Power Holding Company of Nigeria (NDPHCN), and Independent Power Producers (IPP) between September 2009 and December 2012 were collected and processed. The Network was then modelled in both ETAP 4.0 Transient Analysers and Power World Simulator (PWS) 8.0 Environment using Symmetrical Components equation and NewtonRaphson Power Flow algorithm. The essence of this model is to determine the time limit of transient fault, before, during, and after 3phase fault occurrences in the largest generating station (Egbin) in the network. The effect of this fault on the quadrature axis (i.e. variation in generator exciter current, exciter voltage, electrical power, mechanical power, frequency and rotor angle) is investigated. More so, momentary fault on line-to-ground, line-to –line, 3phase balanced, and double line-to-ground faults were also studied. Three major buses in the network were selected for this study, they are Egbin G.S., because it is the largest generating station with actual generating capacity of 1100MW and peak generation of 968MW as at 24th December 2012; its effect on other generators and buses; Oshogbo because it is the major bus linking the southern and northern parts of the country; Ibadan because it is the highest loaded bus in the entire grid. As a prerequisite to fault study, the steady state analysis on the existing 28 buses was conducted with the view to determine the real and reactive power flow, power losses, and bus phase angles using Power World Simulator (PWS), and ETAP Analyser. The network for this study were initially nine (9) generators, twenty eight (28) buses, and thirty two (32) transmission lines, but was later expanded to seventeen (17) generating stations, fifty two (52) buses and sixty four (64) transmission lines, because of coming on stream of most (IPP) projects. Results obtained indicate that there were some weak bus voltages outside the statutory limits of (0.95p.u.-1.05p.u.). These include: Gombe, Jos, Kaduna, Kano, Shiroro, Abuja (Katampe), Sapele, and National Control Centre. Total load in the system was 3000MW+j000.00 MVAR and total generation was 3029.9+j3408MVAR. Power losses from the existing generating stations and transmission lines were 29.9MW-j3408MVAR from September 2009 to December2011.Total load in the system was 3496.589MWj2869.397MVAR, and total generation was 4328.543-j335.777MVAR. Power losses from existing generating stations and transmission lines were 831.942MW - j066.000MVAR from December 2011 to December 2012.Results obtained from ETAP and PWS, showed that the most severe fault is that of 3phase balanced fault and the highest fault current is that of lineto-ground fault. The actual value of fault current is dependent on the number of generating plants actually in service at the time the fault occurs.
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- May 25, 2022
- Copyright (c) 2022 Ulasi, Atuchukwu John
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