Intermolecular interactions-Oxides

Grigory Seguru
Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI), Moscow, Russia

Valery Fertikov
All-Russia Institute of Light Alloys (JSC “VILS”), Moscow, Russia

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  16. Molchan N., Krivoborodov Yu., Fertikov V.Intermolecular interactions in two-component oxide systems with SiO2. //Technique and technology of silicates, 2018; v.25;3 80-84. (in Russian)
  17. Molchan N., Krivoborodov Yu., Fertikov V. Intermolecular interactions in two-component oxide systems with CaO. //Technique and technology of silicates, 2019. – V. 26, 1. 25–29. (in Russian).
  18. Seguru, G., Fertikov, V. (2021). Intermolecular Interactions in Spinel Structures. //European Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(3). 568-576.
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  22. Molchan N., Krivoborodov Yu., Fertikov V.Intermolecular interactions in two-component oxide systems with SiO2. //Technique and technology of silicates, 2018; v.25;3 80-84. (in Russian)
  23. Molchan N., Krivoborodov Yu., Fertikov V. Intermolecular interactions in two-component oxide systems with CaO. //Technique and technology of silicates, 2019. – V. 26, 1. 25–29. (in Russian).
  24. Seguru, G., Fertikov, V. (2021). Intermolecular Interactions in Spinel Structures. //European Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(3). 568-576.
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  27. Seguru G., Fertikov V. Interaction of Elements in Binary Compounds of Hydrogen// American Journal of Chemistry and Application. – 2017. – Vol. 4,№ 6. – P. 59–62.
  28. Molchan N. V., Fertikov V. I. Interrelation of Thermodynamic Parameters and Structural Characteristics, with Halidesof Groups 1 and 2 Elements as an Example. //American Journal of Chemistry and Application, 2016, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 28–32.
  29. N. V. Molchan, G.V.Seguru, V. I. Fertikov. A Method of Magnesium Alloy Structure Control, Patent RF 2558632 (2015)
  30. Molchan N. V., Fertikov V. I. Interrelation of Thermodynamic Parameters and Structural Characteristics, with Halidesof Groups 1 and 2 Elements as an Example. //American Journal of Chemistry and Application, 2016, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 28–32.
  31. N. V. Molchan, G.V.Seguru, V. I. Fertikov. A Method of Magnesium Alloy Structure Control, Patent RF 2558632 (2015)
  32. Molchan N., Krivoborodov Yu., Fertikov V. Intermolecular interactions in two-component oxide systems with CaO. //Technique and technology of silicates, 2018; 4: 106-109. (in Russian)
  33. N. V. Molchan, V. I. Fertikov. A Method of Titanium Alloy Structure Control, Patent RF 2486494 (2013)
  34. N. Molchan, I. Polkin, V. Fertikov, Ability to Control a Titanium-alloy Structure by Atomic-Emission Spectroscopy // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy 2 (2014) 169-173. (in Russian).
  35. N. V. Molchan, V. I. Fertikov. A Method of Steel Structure Control, Patent RF 2518292 (2014)
  36. N.V. Molchan, V.I. Fertikov Control of steel structure changes during annealing by atomic emission spectroscopy. //Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, Diagnostika materialov. -2016, V .82, no. 5, pp. 39 – 43.
  37. Fertikov V., Seguru G. The Interaction of Iron with the Chemical Elements, Forming Binary Compounds //  SciFed Journal of Metallurgical Science – 2017. – V.1.Iss.I. P.1 -5.   
  38. 37. V. Molchan, D. S. Eliseev, G.V. Seguru, V. I. Fertikov. A Method of Nickel Alloy Structure Control, Patent RF 2581077 (2016)
  39. Molchan N., Eliseev D., Fertikov V. Control of Nickel Alloy Structural Change by the Atomic Emission SpectroscopyMethod // American Journal of Analytical Chemistry. – 2016. – Vol. 7, № 9. – P. 633–641.
  40. Fertikov V., Seguru G. Assessment of Changes in Volume of Nickel Compounds Interacting With the Chemical Elements // International Journal of Current Research. – 2017 .- V.9, Iss. 08. P.56361-56364.
  41. N. V. Molchan, V. I. Fertikov. A Method of Brass Structure Control, Patent RF 2531339 (2014)
  42. N. V. Molchan, V. I. Fertikov. A Method of Aluminum Alloy Structure Control, Patent RF 2442139 (2012)
  43. N.V. Molchan, V.I. Fertikov. Metals, No.3 (2012) 84-87
  44. N.V. Molchan, V.Yu Konkevich V.Yu, V.I. Fertikov. Control of structural changes in aluminum alloy 1379p, obtained by granular technology, by atomic emission spectroscopy. //Zavodskaya  Laboratoriya, Diagnostika materialov. -2017.  V. 83. no. 2, pp .42-45.
  45. N.V. Molchan, V.I. Fertikov. Application of atomic emission spectroscopy to control the structure of aluminum alloy. // Materials of conference “TestMat-2013”, Moscow, FSUE “VIAM”, 28 February – 1 March 2013, stand re-port. (in Russian).
  46. Molchan N., Krivoborodov Yu., Fertikov V. Interatomic interactions in binary aluminum compounds. //Technique and technology of silicates, 2019; 3: 82-85. (in Russian)
  47. Molchan N., Krivoborodov Yu., Fertikov V. The interaction of silicon with the chemical elements, forming with it a binary connection. //Technique and technology of silicates, 2017; 4:11-17. (in Russian)
  48. Seguru G., Fertikov V. Interatomic Interactions in Binary Nitrogen Compounds // International Journal of Innovation in Engineering Research & Management. – 2018 – V. 05. Iss. 02. P. 1-5.
  49. Molchan N.V., Fertikov V.I. Concentration of electrons as a structural characteristic of oxides ]. Tekhnika I tekhnologiya silikatov, 2016, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 8–13 (in Russian).
  50. Nina V. Molchan, Valery I. Fertikov Determination of Concentration of Electrons for Descrition of the Structure of Materials, with Sulfides as an Example. //Journal of Materials Sciences ad Applications. Vol. 1, No. 2, 2015, pp. 38-44.
  51. Seguru G., Fertikov V. (2021). Interatomic Interactions in Binary Plutonium Compounds. . //European Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(4). 85-93.