
Negotiations Strategies In International Business

Negotiations Strategies In International Business

Distorted market competition poses new challenges for business negotiations. It affects the balance of negotiating powers among negotiation participants. Such situations often result in negative consequences for both buyers and sellers. As a result, it opens additional opportunities for international business, because of the emergence of other market participants in the relevant markets, which can provide additional alternatives for both buyers and sellers by reducing the negative impact on the distortion of competition and balancing the negotiating powers of the negotiating parties. The development and implementation of an effective international business negotiation strategy, as well as the assessment of the negotiating powers among negotiating parties and the essential components of their deviation from balance is important for the effective use of the potential of business negotiations — the negotiating power. When solving the scientific problem it is necessary to ensure that its solutions help to consider the balance of negotiating power among negotiation participants, allowing them to achieve the balance and to ensure the most efficiency of the development and implementation of their negotiation strategy.

Undergraduate Thesis : Study Guide

Undergraduate Thesis : Study Guide

This Undergraduate Thesis Study Guide aims to check or monitor students’ knowledge about Thesis Writing. Students are advised to finish reading this Study Guide the soonest time possible for in Unit 1 Part B, they are required to submit the first draft of their completed research study. This is to give them ample time for revisions and some other updates. Moreover, this Study Guide serves as a continuation to the Language Research Methodology Study Guide where the required output is a Thesis have to write what it is you are studying, what is its importance, what do you know about its background, and how will it advance our knowledge. If you believe that there’s something about first impression, you better make good in your writing the introduction. Check the logic of your argument, your language register or style, the overall makeup of your paper, and of course, the validity of your findings and the soundness of your conclusions. Make your introduction concise, precise, and analytical for the readers to become interested to read your research paper.

Social Accountability and Improvement of Health Services in Zimbabwe: The Case of Shamva District

Social Accountability and Improvement of Health Services in Zimbabwe: The Case of Shamva District

The study examined the nexus between social accountability and the improvement of the quality of the health services in Shamva District. Its objectives were to determine the social accountability strategies used by Civic Society Organizations (CSOs) in Shamva District to build capacity for citizens to demand their health rights and entitlements; explore the extent to which the state responds to accountability demands for health services tabled by the citizens; assess the capacity level of both the rural citizens and state to conduct deliberate dialogue on health service provisions; and analyse the impact of social accountability mechanisms on rural health services in Zimbabwe. The study was guided by the interpretive paradigm. It was based on qualitative methodology utilising semistructured interviews, focus group discussions, in-depth interviews with key informants and participant observation. The data generated were analysed using grounded theory, assisted by the NVivo qualitative software. The four themes that emerged were social accountability strategies used to empower citizens; state responsiveness to accountability demands; capacity level to conduct deliberative dialogue; and impact of social accountability mechanisms. The study found out three social accountability strategies utilised in Shamva District. These were community scorecard; results-based financing: and village worker model. The study concluded that continuous funding and sustainable plans are essential for improving service delivery in health using social accountability strategies. The study recommends the Government of Zimbabwe to provide adequate human, financial and physical resources for the successful implementation of social accountability in Shamva District health sector.

Linguistics, Literary Studies and Communication: A Digital Perspective: A Festschrift for

Linguistics, Literary Studies and Communication: A Digital Perspective: A Festschrift for

Literature serves many functions in the society. As a mirror of the society, it gives an image of that society, which may be true or distorted, either in reality or perceived as distorted by the society as a whole. As a lamp, literature helps us to imagine alternative realities or new pathways in which we may walk. George Orwell’s 1984, a prognostication of governments’ intrusion into citizen’s privacy has become a reality in our day: with the emergence of the “Internet of Things”, Orwell’s Big Brother is now truly watching us. Against the backdrop of literary imagination becoming scientific reality, this paper investigates how nanotechnology has been and is being imagined in literature. 120 works of fiction in different media: movies and movie series, novel, comics/other media, cartoon, computer games, short story, are analysed to provide answers to the following questions: is nanotechnology imagined as a force for good or evil? How legitimate are these “prognostications” in the light of current realities? Literary conceptualizations of nanotechnology are ambivalent at best, and horrifying at the worst. This leads us to conclude that the prospects of nanotechnology give us a cause to pause.

Forced to Green’ or ‘Willingness to Green’? Behaviours under Uncertainty of Quota Evidence from China’s Adoption of New Energy Vehicles

Forced to Green’ or ‘Willingness to Green’? Behaviours under Uncertainty of Quota Evidence from China’s Adoption of New Energy Vehicles

Regarding China’s studies, it can be categorized as classical studies, contemporary and interdisciplinary researches, but under the criticism of theoretical absence as an ‘area study’. This research relates to the social, environmental, political and economic policies, subconsciously, it is also affected by the philosophy and history for the decision made by the government and people, namely, in term of the macro-perspective, it covers the philosophy, history, social, politics, and the environment, economics, industry reform. More importantly, it integrates the macro with the microperspectives, digging into individuals’ decision under a micro-perspective, providing a comprehensive insight, where it not only has a big picture on the evolution process in the longitudinal historical spectrum, but also a micro-world on its own functional mechanism regarding the individuals’ decision making. Accordingly, it is an interdisciplinary research providing a micro insight of behaviours from the evidence of emerging industry of new energy vehicles.

The VUCA Method for Leadership & Management in Times of Crisis – Ex. Covid- 19: Adaptation, performance, and development

The VUCA Method for Leadership & Management in Times of Crisis – Ex. Covid- 19: Adaptation, performance, and development

The acronym VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) was coined in 1989, by the US Army War College – a school that depends on the US military – to denote the multilateral world more volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous, after the end of the cold war and the dangers of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in 1990-1991. After the implementation of this concept and the evolution of its application, in different fields, as well as the development that has been added on its characteristics and principles, it is more and more used in companies and administrations. So, VUCA represents these four terms: (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity), these traits have always been present in the world, but what has changed is the speed of change affecting all aspects of our life. As the world accelerates, it brings a whole new dimension to the VUCA world. There are no more stable moments now, and there has never been so much technological ability to predict the world, in instability, the only certainty is the change that it is made permanent.

Undergraduate Seminar: Study Guide

Undergraduate Seminar: Study Guide

This study guide tackles about what is in the undergraduate seminar course in which students are expected to present a seminar paper as the ultimate course outcome. Moreover, it presents what’s in the bigger picture, and that is, presenting the student’s research study in academic conferences and getting their research work published. When we talk about academic conferences and meetings, we don’t mean that students are to present their full-blown research study or their complete research outline. In this course (Undergraduate Seminar), the students are to present only their thesis outline. However, students are given salient points to look forward once they have completed their research study. Nowadays, knowing some terms and phrases are just one click away with the internet and Google, and signal, of course. Nevertheless, we will “spell out” some of the terms and phrases related to our subject (Undergraduate Seminar) in this study guide for fluidity sake.

A Questão duma Formação Integral e Integrada no Moçambique de Hoje

A Questão duma Formação Integral e Integrada no Moçambique de Hoje

A pessoa humana é o centro em torno do qual gravita a questão educativa. Do ponto de vista educativo, a formação da pessoa humana situa-se entre objectivo e exigência. É um objectivo enquanto o ensino visa a formação do homem e, é uma exigência na medida em que, as mudanças no presente século, o desenvolvimento tecnológico das sociedades, a proliferação de novos paradigmas de explicação da realidade numa autêntica tensão entre a modernidade e a pós-modernidade, a globalização e suas consequências, impõem à educação e aos educadores uma perspectiva formativa completamente complexa que é a da formação integral e integrada da pessoa humana. Não é fácil definir o que é uma formação integral e integrada por duas razões. A primeira é que a formação integral e integrada supera as dimensões de um simples conceito. A segunda é relativa a dinamicidade do problema. Ou seja, uma formação integral e integrada é sempre definida conforme as instâncias conjecturais do tempo e do espaço em que se encontra inserido “o ser-no-mundo” que se pretende formar

Professional Competency and Islamic Education (Pai) Teachers Certification at State Senior High Schools in Southeast Sulawesi

Professional Competency and Islamic Education (Pai) Teachers Certification at State Senior High Schools in Southeast Sulawesi

This qualitative study aims to describe the competence of professionalism and the implications of certification in improving the professionalism of Senior High School Islamic Education teachers in Southeast Sulawesi. Data collection technique include observation, interview and relevant document. At the same time, data analysis technique is data collection, reduction, discussion and conclusion. The results showed that Islamic education teachers have a decent ability to develop their professional competencies. These capabilities include interpreting and analyzing the materials, structures, concepts, and mindsets of relevant disciplines to Islamic education. In addition, the teachers also understand standards of competency, basic competencies of subjects, learning objectives, select and manage Islamic education materials creatively. Furthermore, teachers reflect that the results are applied in developing the profession. Among other self-development activities are conducting class action research, undertaking professional subsidiary activities, reform the current knowledge and adhere to the development of information and communication technology. In addition, employing Islamic education teacher certification program, either by portfolio or PLPG and PPG, advance the professional competencies of teachers, enhance the awareness and educational insight, enrich precious experiences for educational and learning development, furthermore, strengthen the capability to plan and carry out Islamic educational learning activities.

Influence of Afta Trade Policies Toward Malaysian Stakeholders in the Automotive Industry

Influence of Afta Trade Policies Toward Malaysian Stakeholders in the Automotive Industry

Through facilitative efforts by AFTA, the Malaysian government has entered into trade agreements with other ASEAN member states. The current body of literature provides a general understanding of the effects of trade policies on developing nations, but it does not provide specifics, such as what those trade policies are or what the measurable consequences of those trade policies are in regard to a given industry or even a specific developing nation. The purpose of this study was to explore the measurable consequences of the AFTA trade liberalization policies on Malaysia’s automotive industry. A case study was conducted using the triangulation of empirical statistical data collected from secondary sources, an analysis of policy documents, and from qualitative interviews conducted with consumers, automotive industry workers, and experts in the automotive industry or in the realm of policy analysis and trade politics. The Malaysian government entered into trade agreements out of a desire to protect domestic industry, with a focus on protecting the automotive industry. While economic growth has been high for the past several decades, the automotive industry is still developing, and the country’s classification remains that of a developing nation. The two primary policies influencing the automotive industry in Malaysia are the National Automotive Policy (NAP) and the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT). A review of the results showed that consumers had the lowest level of awareness of policies influencing the automotive industry, even though they were in the stakeholder group most affected by the implementation of those policies. Synthesis of data from the analysed interviews indicated that the effects of Malaysia’s entry into AFTA on the automotive industry have been both deep and far-reaching, but that no one group is aware of all of the measurable consequences of those trade agreements, or that the trade agreements have resulted in positive changes for the country as a whole. The iv researcher identified several recommendations that, if implemented, may work to increase the beneficence of implemented policies. Through the completion of the study, the current national strategies for Malaysia were identified, the policies adopted by Malaysia were identified, and the measurable consequences of those policies within the automotive industry were discussed