
All My Yesterdays A Professional Life In English Language Education

All My Yesterdays A Professional Life In English Language Education

Roger Barnard was born in Brighton, and decided as a boy that he wanted to live and work abroad. Starting out as a high school teacher, he subsequently worked in English language education (ELE) and applied linguistics in Europe, the Middle East, New Zealand and Asia. Over a career spanning 50 years, he has been a language teacher, director of language institutes, curriculum adviser to ministries of education, prolific contributor to, and editor of, journals and books, and a professor of applied linguistics. This book is his personal history and the story he tells is intrinsically interesting, but it also constitutes a wide-ranging and critical review of the field of second language education over the past fifty years – how some aspects will continue to challenge academics and practitioners in future years. Such issues include: Communicative Language Teaching; English for young learners; the commercialisation of ELE; technological developments in ELE; the professional development of English language teachers; ‘nativespeakerism’; linguistic imperialism and language planning; and English as the medium of instruction. Many readers who are involved in language education will be able to relate these issues to their own context and career trajectories.

Education of Youth in Sub-Saharan Nations Challenges and Opportunities

Education of Youth in Sub-Saharan Nations Challenges and Opportunities

Education not rooted on disparity in culture and languages could leave outside the educational process a large part of the population. A minority is able to get education in a foreign language English, French or Portuguese not related to the local culture and environment. In 2020, 63.5 percent of children in Sub Saharan Africa are multi-dimensionally poor. Children’s malnutrition, child labor, children poverty, children’s brutality, and children’s illnesses forestall them to realize their maximum potential. Economic development relies upon the potential of youths. Poverty, malnutrition, forced labor, illnesses and physical as well as emotional abuse are obstacles to children education and economic development. We analyze in this book the conditions preventing from children in SSA to get education and propose a policy improve their chances to live their child and adolescent life in good conditions.

Educação e Religião numa Cultura Organizacional Education and Religion in an Organizational Culture

Educação e Religião numa Cultura Organizacional Education and Religion in an Organizational Culture

The relationship in organizations between education and religion can be highly interwoven. This book highlights the interrelationship between the educational and shelter organization for disadvantaged female children and youth, Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta [Asylum of the Disadvantaged Children of Horta], Faial, the Azores, Portugal, and the entrance of the Religious Sisters of Congregação das Irmãs Franciscanas Hospitaleiras da Imaculada Conceição [Congregation of the Hospitaller Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception]. The book concludes with the presentation, in digital facsimile, of the 1933 Statutes and the Contract between the Asylum Board of Directors and the Religious Congregation established in 1932, which shaped a profound change in the organizational culture of the Asylum.

Enquadramento Normativo na Organização – Estatutos e Regulamento do Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta na Monarquia e na 1.ª República

Enquadramento Normativo na Organização – Estatutos e Regulamento do Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta na Monarquia e na 1.ª República

O Asilo da Infância Desvalida da Horta, situado na cidade da Horta, Ilha do Faial, nos Açores, Portugal, foi fundado em 1858 e funcionou com esta designação até 1971. O seu objetivo central era o de socorrer a pobreza extrema e situação de abandono dos expostos do sexo feminino. Aquando da monarquia em Portugal, os Estatutos de 1860 e o Regulamento de 1876 forneciam as orientações normativas para o funcionamento do Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta. Após a implantação em Portugal da república, em 1910, os Estatutos de 1912 passaram a orientar normativamente o funcionamento da instituição. Este enquadramento jurídico, sendo interessante e profícuo comparar os diversos documentos que, ao contrário do que seria, porventura, expectável por esta transformação de regime político, não demonstra, todavia, uma alteração profunda nesta dimensão formal

Normative Framework in the Organization – Statutes and Regulation of Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta [Asylum for the Disadvantaged Childhood of Horta] in the Monarchy and the 1st Republic

Normative Framework in the Organization – Statutes and Regulation of Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta [Asylum for the Disadvantaged Childhood of Horta] in the Monarchy and the 1st Republic

Asilo da Infância Desvalida da Horta [Asylum for the Disadvantaged Childhood of Horta], located in the city of Horta, Faial island, in the Azores, Portugal, was established in 1858 and operated under this name until 1971. Its central goal was to assist female children and young women in a situation of extreme poverty and neglect. At the time of the monarchy in Portugal, the 1860 Statutes and the 1876 Regulation provided the normative guidelines for the functioning of Asilo de Infância Desvalida da Horta. After the republic was established in Portugal, in 1910, the 1912 Statutes started to normatively guide the institution’s operation. While it is interesting and useful to compare the different documents that, contrary to what might be expected by this transformation of the political regime, this legal framework does not demonstrate, however, a profound change in this formal dimension.

Diagnostic De Base Pour La Promotion De La Chaine De Valeur Du Sorgho Au Burkina Faso

Diagnostic De Base Pour La Promotion De La Chaine De Valeur Du Sorgho Au Burkina Faso

L’économie burkinabè est à dominante agricole. En effet, les secteurs de l’agriculture et de l’élevage qui emploient 85 % de la population active fournissent à eux seuls 33% du Produit Intérieur Brut (PIB), et 80 % des recettes d’exportation (DGPER, 2011). Les terres à vocation agricoles ont estimées à quelque 9 millions ha, soit le tiers du territoire national. Environ 3,5 millions d’hectares (soit 39 % des terres à vocations agricoles) sont mis en culture annuellement. C’est avant tout une agriculture de subsistance basée sur les céréales vivrières (sorgho, mil, maïs, riz) qui occupent à elles seules plus de 80 % des surfaces emblavées annuellement. Le sorgho est la première céréale cultivée au Burkina Faso, tant en superficie (43 % des superficies totales) qu’en volume (40 %). La plante s’adapte bien, en effet, aux conditions agro-climatiques d’une grande partie du territoire du Burkina Faso, et demande peu d’intrants pour sa culture. À l’instar du mil, le sorgho est une céréale vivrière avant tout, qui est largement plantée en complément d’autres cultures et destinée à l’autoconsommation dans les ménages ruraux. Dans les centres urbains, elle est souvent remplacée par le riz comme principale céréale consommée.

Diagnostic De Base Pour La Promotion De La Chaine De Valeur Du Mais Au Burkina Faso

Diagnostic De Base Pour La Promotion De La Chaine De Valeur Du Mais Au Burkina Faso

Le maïs constitue actuellement la première culture la plus importante dans le monde, avec une production estimée à plus de milliards de tonnes (FAO, 2015). Les pays en développement représentent 58% des zones maïsicoles mondiales et, 37% de la production mondiale de cette céréale (FAO, 2015). Les États-Unis sont de loin le plus gros producteur de maïs avec 522 millions de tonnes en 2013 (FAO, 2014). En termes d’utilisation, le maïs est une denrée de consommation de base pour une partie importante de la population mondiale. Il constitue un complément alimentaire pour des millions d’autres personnes et est également réservé à l’usage industriel et aux aliments pour bétails. La consommation mondiale de maïs semble s’accélérer, « principalement sous l’effet de la hausse de la demande dans les PED (principalement la Chine et le Mexique), et plus récemment en raison de l’utilisation croissante du maïs dans la production d’éthanol aux États-Unis ». Au niveau du Burkina Faso, le maïs occupe une place de plus en plus importante dans la production céréalière et connait un engouement croissant de la part des acteurs. En effet, longtemps classé troisième culture après le sorgho et le mil, le maïs est depuis 2011, la deuxième culture céréalière en termes de volume de production, avec une part de la production passant de moins de 20% à 32% environ de la production céréalière totale entre 2001 et 2012 (DGESS, 2013). La production actuelle dépasse un million de tonne avec des rendements moyens de 3,7 tonnes en irrigué et 1,5 tonnes en pluviale. Cette croissance est due à l’effet des politiques de promotion d’extension des surfaces emblavées en maïs en conjugaison avec l’amélioration des rendements, rendue possible par l’utilisation des fertilisants chimiques mais également par la mise à disposition de variétés améliorées par la recherche agricole.

A Comparison of Meditation Practices

A Comparison of Meditation Practices

Visualize a mountain rising in the midst of a wide desert. There are many individual paths leading from various points at the base of the mountain up to the coolness of its high peak. Yet there is only one way to the top. Up. So it is with the methods that follow. We naturally start at different points at the base of the mountain, for we come from many different cultures, religious traditions, or schools of thought, and have differing interests and abilities. So while there are many paths, all good, there is only the one way. Often, well on our journey, we find our way blocked. It could appear suddenly like a cliff or boulder. Or perhaps the path we’re on just reaches a plateau, with no way that we can see to ascend higher. We realize we need to find another path.

Language Research Methodology: Study Guide

Language Research Methodology: Study Guide

The word “research” is associated with scientific process and is tied up with writing a thesis or dissertation. It’s just that the term “research” is considered generic compared to “thesis” which sounds so academic. In layman’s term, when we do a research, we tend to go to some sources (tangible or intangible) to find a solution to a problem or to know more about a certain thing. We do some observations, readings, interviews, or even resort to something considered supernatural. We know that in the academe, we can’t begin our research without a problem. “My problem is that I do not have a problem” is always the problem of a student of a research course (Thesis Writing). How will you go about making a thesis outline if you’re not that interested to find one more problem “added to your cart” because you’ve got enough problems already? One more thing, you enrolled in this course because you’re required to do so for you to graduate, right? Because of this, you’re “forced” to find or make a statement of the problem to proceed then move on. First you gotta do is to convert the word “forced” to “inspired”. Some of you are into reading novels, blogs, or what is in the WattPad, I suppose. Of course, it’s a fact that writers couldn’t write if they don’t have something inside their heart (okay, head). You cannot share what you don’t have, remember that. Do you have something inside there to share to the universe? Granting that you have it, is it enough for you to proceed to writing your thesis outline? No? Of course, common sense dictates that writing a thesis outline is different from writing a novel or post a blog. That’s it, writing your thesis outline starts from being inspired to using your common sense and viceversa. If you don’t have any inspiration, make one. However, research writing is more than just dealing with common sense (this is basic, master it) and having an inspiration (find your strength in love). What then is it? It’s for you to discover. One thing for sure, you have to study about something essential so that you will have something to write in the “Significance of the Study” section in Chapter 1(Introduction). Since you’re dealing with something essential, you have to pass across borders. There you have it!

Impacts of Microfinancing on the Survival and growth of the Small Scale Enterprises(SSE) in South Western, Nigeria

The traditional and informal sector was expected to disappear as the modern or formal sector grew and absorbed more labour in enhancing economic growth and development. But contrary to expectations, the informal sector and informal employment has continued to be a significant factor in our modern world gaining predominance (ILO, 2012; ILO, 2014). Many countries have not been able to develop a modern economy capable of providing adequate employment opportunities for their rapidly growing populations. With 53% of new employment generated in 2014, Nigeria’s informal sector, constituted by over 17 million businesses and enterprises, which led to the growth in total job creation within the period reflecting the significant contribution of that segment to the labour market and the overall economy (NBS, 2015). The informal sector remains a major source of employment, income generation and expansion of small and medium businesses in many countries of the world in which Nigeria is not an exemption. The informal sector consists of own account or small and medium enterprises with little or no formal organization or capital, and with casual employment.